Tuesday, October 19, 2010


A poem in memoriam of a special puppy

I wanted to find a way to remember and celebrate our dog Ginger

She was a constant figure in our lives for over 16 years, and we all really really miss her.

Ginger, I miss you, you big yellow fuzz ball,

Here’s the list of all the things about you that I miss most of all:

I miss you dragging me down the alley on walks,

I miss you’re sympathetic look during our heartfelt talks,

I miss your crusty, cruddy, disgusting volleyball,

I miss how you’d lick us to death if we happened to fall,

I miss how silly you were if you happened to get inside,

I miss how your game of fetch was more like a game of collide,

I miss how you needed comfort whenever there was a big storm,

I miss how you’re hugs were so instantly warm,

I miss when you’d roll over and try to get me to pet your belly,

I miss how sometimes after a really intense rain you were oh so smelly,

I miss you running along the fence trying to catch a car,

I miss how you liked to get free, but you never ran far,

I miss you sneakily trying to steal our food,

I miss trying to brush you, while you tried to elude,

I miss trying to run you down in the dark,

But what I miss most of all is the constant sound of your bark.

Gingy, it’s never fair when you have to say adieu.

It’s just not going to be the same without you.

And if you’re up there with Grandma Jean looking down from above

I hope you realize how much you were loved.


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