Saturday, February 6, 2010


1.) The complicated love and affection shared by two straight males

2.) A close relationship between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple

3.) Close but non-sexual relationship between two men, a form of homosocial intimacy

While the term "bromance" (a portmanteau combination of the words "bro" and "romance") was first used in the 1990's, the concept behind the word has existed since the beginning of time. Yep, I'd say as long as there have been bros, there has been bromance... and as long as there has been bromance, men have pretended that it doesn't exist. For some reason dudes are ashamed of the close bonds that they form with other dudes (here is one point where females are clearlly superior). Guys tend to believe that the closeness between someone of the same gender implies a homosexual connection, well that's simply not true. You have to make the conscience decision to be gay before it's officially a homosexual experience to love another man!

Bromance is prevalent in all aspects of human life from politics, to Hollywood, to literature. You may not realize it but bromance is all around you.

Here is a list of a few well known/documented bromances:

-Frodo and Sam -S. Holmes and Dr. Watson -Harry Potter and Ron Weasly -Bert and Ernie -George and Lennie -Kirk and Spock -Huck and Jim -Batman and Robin -Clinton and Gore

As the title of this post suggests, not all bromances are good (just as not all romances are good... see my previous post "what arrr you going to do with your life"). Every now and then the closeness of two males can open the doors to betrayal and sometimes assassination.

Some examples of really bad (even fatal) bromances include:

-Lincoln and Booth -Robespierre and Danton -Hamilton and Burr -Caesar and Brutus -Darth Vader and Obi Wan -Jesus and Judas

It is best to be aware of bromance, and to embrace it, so as to not further stifle male emotions and interactions. Let's face it, most guys are just one step away from becoming robots, and the love for their bros may be the only thing that's keeping them human!


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