Tuesday, February 2, 2010

“ You know how Robin Hood’s a thief… well he’s definitely stolen my heart!" -Liz
“Danni googles Robin Hood” -Also Liz

As a small child I fell in love with the Disney version of the Robin Hood movie. I even developed a childish crush on the movie’s main character Robin Hood. It never occurred to me that there was anything wrong with our love; I mean the dude’s a fox! Alas, my children, herein lies the source of much confusion and dismay. You see the Disney Robin Hood character is actually a fox… as in the animal fox. This sad fact causes me to worry whether my love for Mr. Hood falls under the category of bestiality. You have to understand that this is a rather unsettling thought. Why would Disney, a corporation that I have trusted since childhood, install such impure concepts into my young mind! It is a travesty!

Ok, first things first, I needed to decide whether or not it falls along the lines of bestiality to love Robin Hood. I suppose he is not the first species confused character to grace the silver screen. In fact, Danni, Kristen (podmates) and I were able to come up with a couple dozen semi-animal, semi-human characters featured by seemingly trustworthy sources such as Disney, Orangina, ancient Greek myth, etc. It thus seemed appropriate to categorize these creatures based on the appropriateness of loving them. It’s one thing to love a fox that dresses like a human, walks and talks like a human, and performs everyday human tasks. It is something completely different to love a talking dog (are you paying attention Danni). When discussing the sexiness of movie characters Danni brought up an important point, "I do like the beast better as a beast, than as a human". I have managed to divide these creatures into two categories: Creatures that it’s ok to love, and Creatures that are a no-go, based on the following logic:
Some of these animalistic creatures are more anatomically similar to humans than to animals (for example the Orangina characters)
Some of these creatures wear well fitting human clothing
Some of these creatures stand on two feet and walk like humans
With the exception of some vampires figures that are dead are generally undesirable
The ability to speak only becomes important when the creature's language can be understood by other creatures, especially of the human variety
While the desired creature is generally fantastical, it cannot be mechanical
Much depends on the world inhabited by these creatures: i.e. Do they exist within the human world, or are they the primary inhabitants of a secondary world. If they live in a secondary world would you be able to create an avatar of yourself that is the same species of them (etc)?
There are other reasons that apply to my personal taste. Here are the two lists that I have thus-far devised:

Creatures that it’s ok to love
-Robin Hood -The Na'vi -Bugs Bunny -The animals from Animal farm (just for you Danni) -The Pink Panther -Werewolves (except the werewolves from Twilight) -Animaniacs -Jessica Rabbit -The Beast
-The Genie-Hercules/ any god like figure -Mythological creatures -Hobbits -Elves -Merpeople -Bernstein bears, SNL bears -Lady Gaga -The Oringina characters -Spider man -Vampires... but only the kind that melt in the sunlight, not the kind that sparkle -Jack the the Pumkin King

The no-go’s:
-Alvin, Simon, and Theodore… or any other chipmunk (Chip/Dale) -Pongo the dog -Benji -Balto -Thomas O’Mally the Ally cat -Mickey, Donald, Goofy -Abu from Aladdin -Shrek… not even in human form -Characters from Cars and Monster’s Inc -Simba -Aslan -Pinky and the Brain -The beast in human form -The animals from Madagascar -Black beauty -Babe -Dumbo -Bambi, or the King of the Forest -Puff the magic dragon, or Albi the racist dragon -Dwarves-House elves -Dr. Seuss characters -Pinocchio -Mice -Hello Kitty -Spongebob -Ghosts or zombies


Danni said...

Thomas O'Malley is totally legit. Everybody wants to be a cat.

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